How to set syntax highlight in Snippet note

When make a Snippet note in Boostnote, there is columns that put a name and language.

You can set beautiful syntax highlight.


Boostnote is an open source note-taking app for programmers.

Used from over 200 countries and regions, and have been got over 4,500 Star at GitHub 🌟

1, Make a snippet note

Click the note create icon or press the shortcut key [Command + N] and Select “Snippet Note”.

2, Set a language in name

When you type the language like .js in the name area of snippet note, syntax highlight is set.


memo: Markdown is also supported.

You can use this feature like


memo: Many languages are supported!

What is your favorite language? Boostnote supports over 100 syntax highlights.


List of languages is here.

Enjoy Boostnote 😆✨



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