5 principles of design-pattern by Python

What 's a design pattern?

A pattern of appropriate solutions to problems that appear repeatedly in programming. Supports implementation of object-oriented program designed without waste. As being cataloged as a pattern Prevent reinforcement of wheels

Five ideas underlying the design-pattern

  • Separate things that do not change from things that do not change
  • Program is done for interface (not for implementation)
  • Aggregate rather than inherit
  • Delegation, delegation, delegation
  • Do not make until you need it (YAGNI)

Program is done for interface (not for implementation)

Program as far as possible "general/abstract". (The interface here is not an interface as a built-in Java syntax, It means "one that raised the degree of abstraction" on a wider level. )

This reduces the degree of coupling of the whole code.

if ( is_car()  ):
  my_car = Car()
  my_plane = AirPlane()

Changes to the entire code are necessary (vulnerable to change) every time the vehicle increases.

High abstraction level, loosely coupled code

my_vehicle = get_vehicle()

Even if the number of vehicles increases, there is no need to change this code (strong against change).

Aggregate rather than inherit.

Inheritance creates undesirable connections.

  • The behavior of subclass depends on the behavior of superclass.
  • You can see the contents of the superclass from the subclass.
class Vehicle:
  def start_engine(self):
    # Process for moving the engine
    print("engine started")
  def stop_engine(self):
    # Process for stopping the engine
    print("engine stopped")
class Car(Vehicle):
  def drive(self):
    # driving..
car = Car()

The implementation of the engine is visible from Car If you want to make a vehicle that does not use the engine, you need a large remodeling

→ You can not separate a variable part (Engine) from a part that is difficult to change (Vehicle).

Alternative proposal

Use aggregation. In other words,

Make objects have "references to other objects".

Avoid relationships where objects are something of something (is-a-kind-of) Make a relationship that has something (has-a).

Example of Car has a Engine

class Car:
  def __init__(self):
    self.engine = Engine()
  def drive(self):
    # driving..
class Engine:
  def start(self):
    print ("engine started")
  def stop(self):
    print ("engine stopped")
car = Car()

The Engine is now separated from Vehicle and encapsulated.

This makes it possible for Engine to switch easily.

class Car:
  def __init__(self):
    self.engine = GasolineEngine()
  def drive(self):
    # Drive with gasoline engine
    # Drive with diesel engine
  def switch_to_diesel(self):
    self.engine = DieselEngine()

Delegation, delegation, delegation

Delegation (Like inheritance patterns) start_engine and stop_engine There are things I want to release outside the class.

Even in such a case, we leave the actual state of processing to the Engine class.

class Car:
  def __init__(self):
    self.engine = GasolineEngine()
  def drive(self):
    # driving..
  def switch_to_diesel(self):
    self.engine = DieselEngine()
  def start_engine(self):
  def stop_engine(self):

With this, we can create a class with the same function as inherited while realizing "Aggregate rather than inherit.". In other words,

The combination of aggregation and delegation is an alternative to strong and flexible inheritance.

※ Although start_engine and stop_engine seem to be useless code to write for delegation, It can be solved by using method_missing etc. This is a proxy pattern and we will explain it separately.

Do not make until you need it (YAGNI / You aren't Gonna Need It.)

I do not use "most likely to use in the future". Over-engineering to make it unnecessarily flexible

The design pattern itself is not a purpose. It should be used as a means to solve the problem and achieve its objective, not more.

A commandment to think about design patterns.



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