📣 Boostnote Bounty Program


Today, we have launched our new bounty service called IssueHunt 🎉

Over $6,000 donated through OpenCollective since we started Boostnote project. Every donation that you have contributed is deeply appreciated by the BoostIO in which we work.

For using your donations in the most meaningful way, we have decided to redistribute it to our platform, IssueHunt.


Just like this service name IssueHunt, by solving issues on IssueHunt, you can get the bounties as appreciation of your efforts.

Here’s a short description for our service ( for more details, you can refer this explanation )

Six steps to use IssueHunt

1, Sign up to IssueHunt using your Github account.

2, Find issues on Boostnote.



3, Click Start work button for the Issue you want to resolve.


4, After make a pull request on Github, then submit its url to an output form.


5, Once if your work is approved by maintainer, the bounty money on the Issue will be rewarded directly into your account. You can check your balance on My Wallet page.

6, Withdraw money from My wallet page through Paypal.

Tip to each issues

And also, you can donate to any issue to boost other developers to resolve it. 5.png

Thanks for using Boostnote!

The Boostnote team would appreciate all of you for using Boostnote or even just being curious about it.

If you have any questions about this bounty program, please contact us from here. kazz[@]boostio.co

👉👉Explore the issues of Boostnote👈👈


about 2 months ago

That's a great initiative :)

about 2 months ago

Thanks Leiknir :)

about 2 months ago

COOL program

about 2 months ago

Thank you Nriver!


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