- A familiar cool launcher for Maca developers.
- More PowerFack that Workflow can use is £19 ~.
- Window position memory tool (charged)
- It remembers the position and size of each application and each window.
- Required if using 2 screens with laptop.
- You can buy it for about $ 18 from the official website or the App Store.
- Window switching tool
- Great version of Cmd + Tab
- You can switch in windows like Windows!
4.iTerm 2
- Change fonts and colors, to your liking.
- You can also customize with key bindings.
5.Sequel Pro
- GUI MySQL client
- PhpMyAdmin feels pain when used this.
- GUI Git tool (charged)
- The revision graph is intuitive and easy to see.
- Follow the graph from the specified branch.
- Incremental search of commit log.
- Personally, it is considerably easier to use than SourceTree.
- The price is $ 79.
- High-function REST client (charged)
- By setting variables, you can switch the environment such as mock, development and production.
- GUI is very easy to input.
- Can import from API Blueprint
- The price is $ 49.99
- A sophisticated REST client.
- Free.
- GUI usability is lower than Paw, but you can do almost the same thing.
- There is no function extension like Paw.
9.IntelliJ IDEA
- IDE (Paid Subscription) by Android Studio developer.
- IDE specialized for each language is prepared.
- It is considerably lighter than Eclipse.
- It is much more customizable than NetBeans.
- Although the price is expensive, because it can be used for work with personal licenses, some engineers use it together for hobbies and work.
##10. OmniFocus
- GTD (wonderful ToDo management) tool (charged)
- Summarize “what to do and worrisome list”.
- You can buy it for about $ 40 on the official website or on the App Store.